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Black Cat the Problem Solver 1

Black Cat the Problem Solver 1 scrap

고양이 해결사 깜냥 1: 아파트의 평화를 지켜라!


  • Author

    Hong Min-jung홍민정

  • Publisher

    Changbi Publishers창비

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The main character of Black Cat the Problem Solver is Black Cat: a one-and-a-half-year-old, chubby tuxedo cat. Black Cat can talk with people, read books, and dance. He is also strong and can lift heavy objects. But Black Cat’s personality is hard to describe in one word. He is irritable yet considerate—getting annoyed when people ask for help but never refusing to lend a hand. He is cold yet affectionate—never letting anyone touch his tail, but having the audacity to ask the security guard at the apartment to let him sleep inside when it rains. And he is mean yet lovable—rejecting free food, but cherishing every present he has ever received in a small travel bag. In other words, Black Cat is weird but cool. Sometimes Black Cat is like a friend, other times he is like a big brother, and sometimes he even looks like a parent. Of course, he sometimes seems like a younger sibling, too. This is the aloof Black Cat’s first appearance before young readers. Young readers will quickly fall in love with Black Cat’s charm. List of Series: - Black Cat, the Problem Solver 2 - Black Cat, the Problem Solver 3 - Black Cat, the Problem Solver 4 - Black Cat, the Problem Solver 5 Reference: Changbi Publishers, Inc.. "Black Cat, the Problem Solver 1", accessed 23 May 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

In 2012, through the Jeonnam Ilbo New Writer's Contest, she became a fairy tale writer. Among the books she has written are "Black Cate Ggamnyang the Problem Solver," "The Worry Laundry(Tentative name)," "Everyone Smiling at the Funeral(Tentative name)," and "The Arrival of the Green Father(Tentative name)."

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