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Thanking Life

Thanking Life scrap

생에 감사해


  • Author

    Kim Hyeja김혜자

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Essay 수필

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

An actor of our times, Kim Hye-ja"I have nothing but thanks for life."One of South Korea's most celebrated actors, everyone loves Kim Hye-ja. In a career spanning six decades, she has embodied joy and rapture, despair and suffering in scores of roles. For Kim, this means throwing herself into each role until she becomes that person, no matter what it takes. She gives herself up completely to each character, trusting that the god that put her on Earth will look after her, considering praise for her acting the greatest reward of all. Indeed, Kim's single-minded drive and dedication belies her easygoing, relaxed persona.Kim, the actor, approaches every role as her last; chooses her roles with only one rule, whether there is hope for the character, no matter how dismal their circumstances; steadfastly choosing works that convey messages of hope without shying away from her own mortality. In this autobiography of her acting life, Kim shares unguarded confessions about the other side of fame, the emptiness and sorrow of her profession unavoidable even for an actor of her stature. Whether well acquainted with Kim's work or not, the reader turning the last page is sure to come away with wonder and respect for the actor.Reference: Suobooks. "Thanking Life", accessed 26 May 2023.

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