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At a Coin Laundry at 2AM

At a Coin Laundry at 2AM scrap

새벽 2시의 코인 세탁소

#Mysteries #Detective #Series #My_Occult_Days

  • Author

    Park Hyun-ju박현주

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Everyday encounters beckon the mysterious! "Jae-In is an occult detective, you say? An expert at investigating divinations and all manner of mystical matters.” 'I', the protagonist of author Park Hyunju's previous work, "My Occult Daily Life," was seen to make numerous human connections in the story. This time, in pursuit of cases and resolving otherworldly incidents, the people 'I' comes across help expand her world further. Some are from past encounters, some are introduced at gatherings among friends, while others provide fresh opportunities for accumulating narratives. ‘I’ can be seen slowly gaining recognition among acquaintances as an occult detective and expert. While not a detective in the traditional sense who solves mysteries through their excellent deductive prowess, nor a hard-boiled detective whose primary goal is to lay bare the process of deduction, 'I' nonetheless fits the hat. This is because she is "rich with curiosity, meddlesome and courageous, with a touch of kindness." Thus, 'I' painstakingly unravels the mysteries of new relationships and newly discovered sentiments, albeit always with caution to not disrespect these souls, and persistently uncovers the truth. 'I', conscious of her flaws, yet unable to halt her pursuit, meets all the criteria to be a detective. But given she is an occult detective; she cannot unravel all the enigmas of the world single-handedly. So, flanking her are Ahn Sunghyun and Lee Heon, potential allies who themselves may one day turn detectives, assistants— or perhaps something more! These two are also connections that have carried over from previous escapades. Indeed, the most mysterious entity remains the human heart! "My Occult Daily Life" series revolves around a who likes whom drama. The characters constantly act according to their hearts, coming across the unknown not only in others' hearts but also in their own. Everyone struggles as they weigh the choices before them, often leaning on occult practices like astrology and spells. While the theme that shines clearly in "2 A.M at the Coin Laundromat” is that of “women intending to leave and the women who assist them,” at the end of the day, it all boils down to the heart— the heart that is only found out only when the other leaves, and the heart that is left colored with regret after they have left. The incidents that fall into 'I's hands, the mystery within the mundane, all originate from the intersections of these many hearts. 'I', who is not a detective but assumes the role of one, cannot evade the issues of the heart. The men who had been deeply involved with Jae-In in the previous story, Sunghyun and Heon, have an undeniable presence. Her own heart torn between these two distinct individuals is yet another mystery that 'I' must unravel. The Tarot reader proffers a choice to 'I', who had been carefully evading the situation. I, or Jae-in’s, sticky situation persists even through times not encapsulated within the story. Jae-in, who had been observing the direction of others' hearts, paradoxically cannot discern the direction of her own. Like the recurring images of water and reflections in the work, the hearts of others, flickering in indecision, might perhaps finally shine light upon the enigmatic heart of 'I', whose direction remains elusive. Reference: ELIXIR. "At a Coin Laundry at 2AM (박현주)", accessed 21 June 2023. Series: My Occult Days My Occult Days 1: Spring and Summer (Tentative name), Hyun-ju Park, 2017, My Occult Days 2: Fall and Winter (Tentative name), Hyun-ju Park, 2017,

Author Bio 작가 소개

She is a novelist, translator, essayist, columnist, and reviewer of genre fiction. Starting with her debut novel, "My Occult Days," she have been writing detective novels that focus on everyday life and relationships.

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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