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Illusionary bookstore

Illusionary bookstore scrap

환상서점: 잠 못 이루는 밤 되시길 바랍니다

#Fantasy #Heeling

  • Author

    So Seorim소서림

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The audiobook Illusionary bookstore caused an immediate sensation upon its release in Bookclub Millie, an e-book subscription service provider, skyrocketing to the top of the bestsellers list. It was subsequently novelized and made available as an e-book then later in print. The novelization of audiobook content marks an unprecedented feat, as it goes beyond simple medium conversions, establishing an organic connection between the unique worldviews of each medium. Consequently, it sparked a reverse craze and carved a new path in the publishing market. In response to fervent requests from e-book readers yearning to read it in a traditional book format and eager for a sequel, a brand-new e-book was published. This edition enriched the original version of Illusionary bookstore by adding captivating narratives, delving into the tale of the bookstore owner sharing mysterious stories, and a curious customer returning for more even after sleepless nights. Capturing the hearts of readers, Illusionary bookstore surged to claim the top spot as an e-book across all genres on the Bookclub Millie platform. In response to overwhelming demand for a printed version, undisclosed episodes were incorporated and finally published in a paper book version. After listening to the audiobook Illusionary bookstore in its entirety, readers were surprised that despite the cruel fairytale-like narrative which weaves eerie and at times terrifying story, they were profoundly touched, and left choked with a lingering sense of sadness and reflection. Now, with the novelization of this haunting tale, readers can delve deeper into the inexplicable longing that lingers within the fear, and uncover the poignant narrative that unfolds between the mysterious bookstore owner and the visiting customer. Illusionary bookstore once again invites readers to step inside and be captivated by its stories. “Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you.” The bookstore owner has tended the store amidst the pasting time Longing for someone, for countless days One day, one night, on one road in the middle of nowhere, there exists a bookstore that awaits those who lose their way. Anyone who wants to rest can stay as long as they want. Here, you need not purchase a book; instead, you can relish the joy of reading as the kind-hearted bookstore owner recounts tales. All it takes to enter this enchanting realm is a touch of determination and the weariness that seeks rest. The owner of this peculiar bookstore, with its unpredictable opening and closing times, shares uncanny tales with customers. However, there’s an inexplicable sadness in his voice. Despite his appearance, seeming almost ghost-like with his white, translucent skin exuding an icy air, he greets visitors with a gentle smile, ready to fulfill their desires for the stories they seek. No one knows how long he has waited at the store and for whom he has been waiting. One particular customer finds herself drawn to the bookstore owner's spontaneous, sad, and quaint stories. She happens to run into the bookstore owner during a hike and follows him to the bookstore nestled among the moss-covered branches of an old tree. The atmosphere within is somewhat gloomy and strange, yet she’s intrigued by the owner’s eerie stories despite having sought after heartwarming tales at first. She keeps returning for more, especially on days she’s feeling down as the tales provide an odd sense of comfort. The bookstore owner's warm smile and gentle demeanor are strangely familiar, prompting her all the more to make frequent visits. Upon repeatedly returning to the store, the customer begins thinking perhaps she’s drawn not only to the bookstore owner’s warm smile and gentle voice with which he tells his tales but also to the enigmatic connection they seem to share. The customer wonders, ‘Do I want to hear the stories, or do I want to see him?’ Reference: Happybooks2u. "Illusionary bookstore", accessed 28 July 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

She majored in writing and started working as a professional comic artist. Later, she also published into audio dramas and eventually published a novel titled "The Illusionary Bookstore ," actively engaging as an author.

Translations 번역서

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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