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The Princess Kidnapping

The Princess Kidnapping scrap

황태자비 납치사건

#역사소설 #을미사변 #살해 #납치범 #비밀문서

  • Author

    Kim Jin-myung김진명

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The princess is kidnapped and the entire nation is thrown into shock. What the kidnappers want is an answer to one question: “Why was Empress Myeongseong’s funeral processed over an empty coffin?” Kim Jin-myung’s “The Princess Kidnapping” is a novel that tells the real story behind the Japanese assassination of Empress Myeongseong through a strong and thrilling narrative. Through the novel, the author addresses the issue of Japan’s historical distortion and their refusal to acknowledge past wrongdoings by placing readers in the shoes of victims so that they, too, can face real history. The Eulmi Incident, also known as the Assassination of Empress Myeongseong, occurred on October 8, 1895 (August 20 on the lunar calendar), when Japanese military forces led an attack on Gyeongbokgung Palace and brutally killed Empress Myeongseong. Even to this day, Japan persistently denies its involvement in the assassination. The story of “The Princess Kidnapping” begins when the crown princess of Japan is kidnapped despite strong security. Danaka, a competent detective assigned to this unprecedented case, finds that two kidnappers are involved in the case. While investigating the crime, he discovers that the kidnappers are Koreans who seem to have a specific motive in mind. The kidnapping incident plunges Japan into chaos. The people of Japan then come to learn about the existence of a secret document called “Document No. 435,” and from there on, the novel begins to uncover another side of the story. At the crowd’s demand, “Document No. 435” is made public, and it is revealed that it is a record that carries the horrifying details of what actually happened at the assassination scene of Empress Myeongseong, showing evidence that Japan is accountable for the brutalities that occurred in the past. The kidnapping wasn’t just a casual incident—it was the Korean kidnappers’ revenge for the death of Empress Myeongseong. “The Princess Kidnapping” brings the ongoing historical distortion made by the Japanese to the forefront; at the same time, it points out the indifference and carelessness of the Korean people regarding their own history. Similarly, to prevent any further historical distortion, we must fully understand what happened in our own country’s history. The novel not only inspires patriotism in the hearts of the readers but also encourages us to establish the direction of the future to come based on the realities that we ought to confront.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Since Kim Jinmyung published his iconic first novel, The Rose of Sharon Blooms Again, every subsequent book he has released has become a bestseller. Seamlessly navigating between reality and fiction, he incisively unravels the profound mysteries of the eras on which each of his books is based. He sheds light on Japan and China's distortion of Korean history with meticulous force, consistently revealing a deep love for Korea throughout his works. Those who read his books can instantly understand why his novels receive such rave reviews and high acclaim.

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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