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Human Court scrap

Human Court

  • Translator(s)

    Manfred SelzerManfred Selzer Kim HyuksookKim Hyuksook

  • Publisher

    Hanl Verlag GmbHHanl publishing

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

Human Court”is a philosophical science fiction novel that the author has been contemplating for a long time. It delves into the complex relationships between humans, androids, and animals in the 22nd century. The novel expands on the concept of humanity's overtaking by androids and the resulting anguish that humans face, which is still a relevant topic in today's era. The story explores the behavior of the AI robot "Ao," driven by the motif of murder that has been a topic of discussion since Dostoevsky's "Sin and Punishment." The novel fluidly blends the intense questions surrounding "android and human life" with the author's deep-rooted concerns about animal rights and the animal liberation movement, reminiscent of the movie "Blade Runner." The novel portrays the plight of a human-looking robot that has murdered its owner and is about to be disposed of. It raises thought-provoking questions such as "what is human," "what is consciousness," and "what is life?" The story is the first of a series of books to be published in the United States that explore the infinite possibilities of stories about artificial intelligence. The author's skillful writing and seamless blending of philosophical concepts with science fiction make “Human Court” a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, ethics, and humanity.


Hanl Verlag. "Human Court", accessed 12 December 2023.

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