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Those Who Read Evil Minds : The Record of a Serial Killer Investigation from Korea’s First Profiler

Those Who Read Evil Minds : The Record of a Serial Killer Investigation from Korea’s First Profiler scrap

악의 마음을 읽는 자들: 국내 최초 프로파일러의 연쇄살인 추적기

  • Author

    Kwon Il-yong권일용

  • Publisher

    Alma Books알마

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Non Fiction 비문학

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The story of Kwon Il-yong, the first profiler in South Korea, was co-written by the non-fiction writer Gonamu. "Those Who Read Evil Mind" depicts Kwon Il-yong becoming Korea's first profiler, the process of his profiling team's formation, and their activities providing crucial clues at crime scenes by breaking away from conventional practices and preconceptions. In 2022, a drama titled 'Those Who Read the Evil Mind,' starring Kim Nam-gil, Jin Sun-kyu, and Kim So-jin, was aired.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kwon Il-yong is the first profiling master and a Ph.D. in criminology of the Korean National Police Agency. His published works include 'Profiling Theory and Practice,' 'Those Who Read Evil Mind (co-author),' 'Modern History of Trifles (co-author),' and more.

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