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2084 Jigu Nanmin (Earth Refugees)

2084 Jigu Nanmin (Earth Refugees) scrap

2084 지구 난민

#SF환경동화 #기후난민 #지구멸망 #우주표류기 #두번째지구

  • Author

    Song Jeongyang송정양

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The Excellence Prize winner of the first EZ Book Green Planet Shami SF Eco Fairly Tale
An adventure unfolds as a family drifts through space after escaping Earth devastated by environmental pollution.

Gangsan, whose name literally means river and mountain, has seen neither on Earth due to pollution. When his family learns that Earth is on the brink of destruction, they decide to escape the planet in an old spaceship. From the first day arriving at the refugee camp on the moon with hope, they are unfairly treated as planet destroyers. Even on Mars, they become slaves to the lizard residents, shackled and referred to as “hand”…
Can Gangsan and his family discover another Earth in space and finally settle down?  
A journey from Earthians on the dark planet to refugees in the vastness of space.

“Can we find another Earth?”

2084 Jigu Nanmin (Earth Refugees) follows Gangsan, a refugee wandering in space in search of another Earth. The author vividly portrays life on Earth, now a dusty planet, and delicately imagines life unfolding on Mars and the moon. As one commentator noted, “It reminds me of the SF movie Star Wars,” Song invites readers into vast space, intriguing them from the beginning. Illustrator Kim Sangwook’s artwork enhances the sensory experience of space, aliens, and polluted Earth.

2084 Jigu Nanmin (Earth Refugees) not only explores pressing environmental issues such as global warming, climate change, and space debris but also allows readers to empathize with the plight of refugees through a family that loses their home overnight and drifts through space. This fairy tale is essential for us today to cultivate a perspective on the environment and refugees as our own. 


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