Lee lives a life centered around reading and writing to evade the pitfalls of prejudice. He primarily writes about things that have been discarded after use or are withering away. His works include The Temperature of Language, The Dignity of Words, The Dignity of Writing, Once Precious Things, and The Master of One’s Mind.
편견에 빠지지 않기 위해 읽고 쓰며 살아간다. 쓸모를 다해 버려졌거나 사라져가는 것에 대해 주로 쓴다. 지은 책으로는 『언어의 온도』, 『말의 품격』, 『글의 품격』, 『한때 소중했던 것들』, 『마음의 주인』 등이 있다.
There are no expectations.