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Marygold Mind Photo Studio

Marygold Mind Photo Studio scrap

메리골드 마음 사진관

  • Author

    Yun Jungeun윤정은

  • Publisher

    Book Romance북로망스

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

This is a new book in the 'Marygold' series, following Yoon Jeong-eun's 'Marygold Mind Laundry', which not only became a domestic bestseller at Kyobo Bookstore and Yes24, but was also exported to 28 countries including England. The lives of the characters in the novel are different, but they are sometimes cringe-worthy and cheerfully touching. The magic of the Marygold Mind Photo Studio, which takes pictures of what you want to read or the future you want to see, is a warm comfort to those of us who have our own sorrows.

Author Bio 작가 소개

She believes that writing is the act of connecting my heart and myself.

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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