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The Best of Tomorrows

The Best of Tomorrows scrap

내일의 으뜸

  • Author


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  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Im Sol awaits graduation like any other twenty-three-year-old,

cosplaying as a simple girl-next-door,

but in truth an otaku obsessed with Ryu Seonjae-

-the 5th member from the boy band Hash Browns

Hash Browns Member Ryu Seonjae Dead!

Im Sol is devasted by the news of the unfortunate accident that killed Seonjae, until she finds a strange pocket watch that takes her back six years in time…

Grey trousers, white shirt, beige vest.

No matter how much you rub your eyes or pinch yourself, it was Seonjae.

“Seonjae..? Seonjae!!!- Oh mi- It’s you! It really is you!”

A teenage Ryu Seonjae she had only seen in photos before was standing right in front of her.

This had to be an opportunity.

An opportunity to change Seonjae’s fate and stop him from joining that cursed group Hash Browns.

An opportunity to avert his premature death from taking the wrong cold medicine.

Nineeteen once more! The goal? Just one.

Saving Seonjae’s life!

In order to save her Best, her one and only star,

Im Sol unfolds an epic battle against fate in The Best of Tomorrows.


Support from Dahyang

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kimbbang is a romance novelist. They started their literary career with the 2019 novel Coming Step.

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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