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Story of the Father-In-Law

Story of the Father-In-Law scrap


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  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

In "Gubu-jeon," a variety of SF imaginative elements unfold. The story reimagines a vampire incident from the late Joseon Dynasty through a modern lens, an epic adventure takes place within the dreams of a plasma entity covering the surface of a star, there is a world of anti-religious faith that values only the present life, and an odd alien planet creates an ecosystem for another planet. This work delicately portrays the marvels of science fiction and a fantastical worldview.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Djuna is a South Korean novelist. She has been writing for over 20 years without revealing her real name or personal information. Since the publication of Nabijeonjaeng (나비전쟁 Butterfly War) in 1997, she has been active as a science fiction writer. She has been publishing works of science fiction, regardless of subject matter, genre, or medium.

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