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a separate room

a separate room scrap

따로 쓰게 된 방

  • Author

    Kang Namju강남주

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

It is the first collection of short stories in Gangnamju, and contains nine works in total. These works consistently look at the old age problems faced by Korean society with a calm and firm perspective. The appearance of old age in our time, drawn with realistic materials and a style without exaggeration, resembles the main character of the title work, which is now isolated and has a separate room while no one is paying attention.

The main axis of the story is a number of conflicts that begin when an elderly couple uses a separate room. The elderly couple in the novel use each room for a while, and after accidentally watching the news of their sudden death, they decide to share a room again. It is sad to say that the reason for the union of a couple who have lived together for most of their lives is to prevent death, but the novel eloquently says that it is a problem that many elderly couples are actually facing.


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Author Bio 작가 소개

Born in 1939. Graduated from Busan Fisheries University and completed graduate studies at Pusan National University. Served as a professor and president at Pukyong National University, founding CEO of the Busan Cultural Foundation, and scholarly committee chair on the joint South Korean-Japanese UNESCO World Heritage listing of the Joseon Tongsinsa records. Completed recommendations in the modern poetry section for Poetry and Literature in 1974-75. Authored ten poetry collections, including Leaving Traces, and won the New Writer Award for fiction in Literary Research issue 77 (Summer 2013). Published the novel Yumado and several short stories in various literary magazines.

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