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Don't Call Me Kind

Don't Call Me Kind scrap

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  • Author

    Kim Kang김강

  • Publisher

    Cultura도서출판 작가

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The First Human Who Knew Shame

The collection Don't Call Me Kind features a unique short story titled "Adam," which refers to the so-called “first” human. In this work, Kim Kang portrays the most archetypal image of humanity. "Adam" is a kind of report on a figure who could be considered an eccentric.

Humanity's Innate Violence and Ethical Sense Toward the Community

Kim Kang's literary radar shines most brightly when questioning the basic qualities required of a member of the society. The story placed at the entrance of this collection, "The Testimony of Witness K Regarding the Knife of Suspect A," vividly showcases Kim Kang's keen awareness of community issues.

When being called kind, make sure to reply with

“Don’t you call me that.” instead of

“Could you please not…?”

The new possibilities presented by Kim Kang are anything but conventional. He places great importance on bold declarations of autonomy by individuals. The work that clearly reflects this perspective is "Don't Call Me Kind."

Kim Kang's collection, Don't Call Me Kind, continues the legacy of literary masters by exploring the archetypes of humanity with a keen eye while also exploring the ideal ethics of a community. Perhaps his sharp, and possibly excessive, ethical awareness is precisely what is most needed in our time. He urges his readers to awaken their dormant sensitivities and refamiliarize themselves with their ethical sensibilities through his works.


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Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Kang won the Grand Prize in the novel category at the 21st Shim Hoon Literary Awards in 2017 for his short story "Our Dad." His works include the collections Someday We Will Go to Mars, Consumer Labor Union, and numerous collaborative novels.

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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