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Bed scrap


  • Author

    Kim Soom김숨

  • Publisher

    Moonji Publishing문학과지성사

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

KIM Soom’s unique literary world can be describes as grotesque. Bedis full of painful images set in a grotesque world devoid of alternate possibilities. These dark, grotesque images are summoned as the only means of dealing with the grotesque world and the cruel realities in it. The stories are deeply perceptive of life but devoid of emotions, a trait that is uniquely KIM Soom. Like a dry branch that goes up in flames with the slightest spark, KIM Soom’s dry narrative holds a great incendiary power, making the unfamiliar characters, events, and times attractive. The book contains the following stories: “Breast of 409”, the story of an old couple who sit at their dining table waiting for the apartment manager in an apartment building that is about to be torn down; “Bed”, the story of an old woman who was confined to her bed for twenty years by “them” “Visitors”, the story of a person who’s afraid her house will be torn down any minute and the visitors who offer to protect her; “Park’s Desk”, the story of a man who guards his desk despite the company’s insistence that he resign; “The Second Drawer”, the story of a woman who obsesses over a locked drawer in the house; and “Rice and Salt”, the story of a day in the life of an old woman who meets her dead sisters and slowly dies.


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