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Aquamarine Blue, Rin

Aquamarine Blue, Rin scrap

물빛 푸를 린

  • Author

    Ja Geun-oh자근오

  • Publisher

    Sam & Parkers쌤앤파커스

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Chae-hee, the only daughter among many sons born to the highest-ranking official of Hongmun-gwan (the Office of Special Advisors in the Joseon Dynasty), is sent to Eunwol Temple after attempting to flee her home to escape an arranged marriage. There, she rescues Rin, a young mermaid who is injured. Despite their language barrier, Chae-hee and Rin form a deep bond through gestures and glances. Spending time with Rin, who is so free and true to his feelings, Chae-hee becomes more reluctant to return home, where numerous obligations await her. Soon, she receives news about the set wedding date. While pacing along the beach

anxiously, Chae-hee encounters Rin, now fully grown as a mermaid. Chae-hee discovers that Rin sacrificed his hair in a desperate attempt to communicate with her, leading her to decide to become a mermaid and leave with him… They become each other’s sole salvation, but can they overcome even the crisis of death?

The author altered the genders of Rin, a male mermaid, and Chae-hee, a daughter of a political mogul, placing them as the central characters in a reimagined version of the beloved fairy tale, The Little Mermaid, set on the shores of Joseon. Alongside these primary

characters, the novel brings to life supporting figures such as Mal-saeng, the steadfast nanny always at Chaehee’s side, Tae-geun, Chae-hee’s father willing to do anything to protect her, and the former mermaid patriarch, exiled from mermaid society. This careful depiction turns the story into a well-crafted romance drama.


Support from Sam & Parkers

Author Bio 작가 소개

Ja Geun-oh turns to reading to alleviate stress and writes to clear his cluttered mind. He loves the sunset-colored sky and draws inspiration from the warm summer sun, the crisp winter air, the rain embracing his ankles, the wind, the blades of grass, and the laughter of children. He won the top prize at the 2nd K-Story Contest for Mulbit Pureul Rin (Rin of Aquamarine Blue), a story of love between a mermaid and a human set in the Joseon era, inspired by The Little Mermaid. He aims to continue crafting stories for as long as his health allows.

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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