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A Lucky Day

A Lucky Day scrap

운수 좋은 날

  • Author

    Hyun Jin-geon현진건

  • Publisher

    Moonji Publishing문학과지성사

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Modern 근대

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Description 작품 소개

This is a short story by Hyun Jin-geon, published in the 48th issue of Gaebyeok in June 1924. Through the ironic life of Kim Cheomji whose wife died on the day he thought himself lucky for having earned a huge sum, this story shows the tragic life of a poor laborer. It is recognized for revealing the realities of the lower class in colonial Korea. A comprehensive collection of Korean literature, read through the living literature of the current age Moonji Publishing Company, which has spent the past 30 years since its founding in 1975 working tirelessly to uncover fresh writers and publish high-quality literary works, has long been building on the foundation of past experience in order to prepare to issue a new compilation of literature to serve as the basis of literary studies and education. This latest literary collection, assembled with substantial and authoritative content suited to the changed literary landscape, is sure to establish itself as the official comprehensive collection of our literature across the ages and to contribute to the succession and development of the Korean literary tradition. The collection was also compiled with the goal of thoroughly differentiating it from the preexisting collections flooding the market, in order to make it accessible to all readers with an interest in Korean literature, targeting not only a specific readership demographic but everyone from middle and high school students to university-age and general readers as well.


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