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Bed scrap


  • Author

    Choi Suchol최수철

  • Publisher

    Moonji Publishing문학과지성사

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Bed is author Choi Suchol's first new release in the six years since his last novel, Plague. Plague managed both to adhere to his authorial style and achieve the writer's assignments of the dissolution of the consciousness that has served as the target of his scrutiny, ruthlessly trimmed sentences, and remarkable intellectual thought, even while exploring the generalization of the issue of suicide, in which an individual abandons their own life. The newborn Bed continues in this transformation. Yet within a narrative expanded from the history of individual consciousness to larger social structures the specific stages, specific characters, specific emerging incidents, and fully extended thematic consciousness have been much substantiated in comparison to his previous work. This novel, which details in the course of over 2000 manuscript pages (no small amount to be sure) various stories connected to a bed that has lived as a person, a cradle, and a grave, reminds the reader of the 2010 Kim Joon-sung Award-winning short story Strange Stories About a Bed. And in fact, various parts of that short story have been revised and slotted into just the right positions within this novel. The writer who in that short story consisting of eight even shorter stories conveyed the message that "Everything in the world begins in bed, and everything heads for bed as well," expands the sentiment in Bed to the hundred-year life of one birch tree that is reborn as a bed and makes its way subsequently through Siberia, the port of Liepāja, the Baltics, the Cape of Good Hope, Singapore, and the Straits of Korea to arrive finally at the conclusion that "Everything is a bed for everything." Insofar as it elucidates that "Lying atop a 'bed' I gained ceaseless inspiration from it, dreaming dreams of all of our lives," the life of the bed revealed through this work can be said also to be our own lives, our own history.


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