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The King of Confession

The King of Confession scrap

고백의 제왕

  • Author

    Lee Jangwook이장욱

  • Publisher

    Changbi Publishers창비

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The first short story collection to be published by Lee Jangwook, a multitalented writer whose effortless mastery of poetry, prose, and criticism has secured his place within the contemporary literary landscape, The King of Confession is a compilation of eight works that attracted significant attention and acclaim upon their initial publication. Demonstrating a restrained yet compelling style, vivid imagery, and meticulous narrative composition, his short stories gift their readers with an unforgettable taste both intense and unfamiliar, guiding them into a strange space-time where every day and fantasy, truth and falsehood, authenticity and illusion can no longer be distinguished.


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Author Bio 작가 소개

Lee Jangwook was born in Seoul. He made his literary debut in 1994 with a series of poems published in Hyundae Munhak. He began his career as a novelist in 2005 when he won the Munhak Soochup Writer's Award. He has authored six poetry collections, A Sand Heap in My Sleep, Song Request at Noon, Date of Birth, Possible Because It's not Forever, It's an Animal, What Is It?, Book of Music; four novels Delightful Devils of Callot, Stranger than Paradise, Carol, Burning Sea of June and Addicts; four collections of short stories: Emperor of Confession, Everything that is not a giraffe, Love of April March, Trotsky and the Wild Orchids; three literary critical essays, My Gloomy Modern Boy, Revolution and Modernism: Russian Poets and Aesthetics and Material Night of Soul.

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