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Who in Today's World? (Tentative name)

Who in Today's World? (Tentative name) scrap

아니 요즘 세상에 누가

  • Author

    Gwak Minji곽민지

  • Publisher

    WISDOM HOUSE위즈덤하우스

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Essay 수필

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The podcast about single life provides insights on how to live alone while maintaining one's individuality and protecting oneself as a unique person.

Author Bio 작가 소개

The creator and host of the podcast "Single Life Visualized: The Single Life," living without a spouse. She is an essayist, columnist, and mobile content creator.

Translations 번역서

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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