The Black Deer, which is also the title of the work, is a fantasy beast that lives deep in the earth, in a narrow crevice of rock. With its beautiful, solid antlers and sharp teeth, the beast's only wish is to see the sky at least once in its life. But when it asks the miner to show it the way out, the miner rips off its horns and teeth in exchange. The more desperately the black deer wants to see the sunlight, the deeper it falls into darkness. This is similar to the lives of the characters in the novel. One day, a woman runs naked down the street in the middle of the day in the city center and disappears, and two men and women who know her set out to find her with only a few clues. “The Black Deer is a bleak reflection on the depths of their own personal journeys. In the journey of the characters who step into the abyss, even if they never come out again, we may paradoxically experience following the light rather than the darkness.
The works of Han Kang have been enthusiastically received by both critics and readers alike for their profound exploration of human nature through the author’s delicate yet powerful writing style.
한강의 초기 작품들은 주로 불행한 가족사나 트라우마와 같은 개인의 문제에 집중되어 있다. 그러나 2014년에 출간한 장편소설 《소년이 온다》 이후 작가의 관점이 역사적 사건으로 확장되었다.
There are no expectations.