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Looking for the Cow scrap

Looking for the Cow

  • Author(s)

    Han Yong-un한용운

  • Translator(s)

    Kevin O'RourkeKevin O'Rourke

  • Publisher

    Dedalus PressDedalus Press

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category


  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

This anthology of seventy-two poets covers the whole spectrum of Korean poetry in this century, with larger selections from the best-known poets, including Midang So Chung-Ju, Kim Sowol, and Kim Suyong. Many types of poetry, from the classical shijo to free-verse forms are represented. Many subjects are covered, from love and the love of nature, Buddhist and Confucian traditions, the search for transcendence (which is where the book's title comes from), and contemporary political poetry.Source :

Author Bio 작가 소개

This anthology of seventy-two poets covers the whole spectrum of Korean poetry in this century, with larger selections from the best-known poets, including Midang So Chung-Ju, Kim Sowol, and Kim Suyong. Many types of poetry, from the classical shijo to free-verse forms are represented. Many subjects are covered, from love and the love of nature, Buddhist and Confucian traditions, the search for transcendence (which is where the book's title comes from), and contemporary political poetry.Source :

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