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In Case You May Drop by scrap

In Case You May Drop by

  • Author(s)

    Kim Soyoup김소엽

  • Translator(s)

    Choi Sun-kyoumChoi Sun-kyoum

  • Publisher

    Hollym International Corp.Hollym International Corp.

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category


  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

“In her lovely and exquisite poetry, Kim So-yeop tells about love: First, her pathetic love for her husband, inextricably interwoven among her longings for him. Next, her love for man and God which underlies her metaphysical and religious ideas.” —Lee Myeong-jea (Literary critic / Prof. Chung-ang Univ.)


Reference: Hollym International Corp. "In Case You May Drop by", accessed 20 November 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

“In her lovely and exquisite poetry, Kim So-yeop tells about love: First, her pathetic love for her husband, inextricably interwoven among her longings for him. Next, her love for man and God which underlies her metaphysical and religious ideas.” —Lee Myeong-jea (Literary critic / Prof. Chung-ang Univ.)

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