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The rainy spell scrap

The rainy spell

  • Author(s)

    Yun Heunggil윤흥길

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Description 작품 소개

The Rainy Spell, first published in 1978, is still rated as one of the finest short stories to deal with the Korean War experience. Because it was a war in which a homogeneous race slaughtered each other, the Korean War left a wound in the Korean psyche that is still not completely healed after half a century. The momentous encounter between the two grandmothers with sons in the opposing war camps is innocently reported by a child who gets caught up in the grown-ups' games of hate. The final reconciliation between the women holds out a hope for healing and transcendence. Reference : Jimoondang. "The rainy spell", accessed 31 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

The Rainy Spell, first published in 1978, is still rated as one of the finest short stories to deal with the Korean War experience. Because it was a war in which a homogeneous race slaughtered each other, the Korean War left a wound in the Korean psyche that is still not completely healed after half a century. The momentous encounter between the two grandmothers with sons in the opposing war camps is innocently reported by a child who gets caught up in the grown-ups' games of hate. The final reconciliation between the women holds out a hope for healing and transcendence. Reference : Jimoondang. "The rainy spell", accessed 31 Oct 2023.

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