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The Growth of a Shadow scrap

The Growth of a Shadow


  • Author(s)

    Moon Tae-june문태준

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    Autumn Hill BooksAutumn Hill Books

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category


  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

A selection of seventy-one poems by Korean author Taejoon Moon, these short, reflective poems shine a light on the ordinary aspects of everyday life through Moon’s keen observations of his surroundings combined with his use of rich detail. From a woman struggling with cancer to a flower dying in a pot, Moon’s profound engagement with the world around him encourages the same in his readers, prodding a gentle, grateful appreciation of the beauty and simplicity of everyday life. This book was made possible by a generous grant from the Literary Translation Institute of Korea. Reference : Autumn Hill Books. "The Growth of a Shadow", accessed 26 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

A selection of seventy-one poems by Korean author Taejoon Moon, these short, reflective poems shine a light on the ordinary aspects of everyday life through Moon’s keen observations of his surroundings combined with his use of rich detail. From a woman struggling with cancer to a flower dying in a pot, Moon’s profound engagement with the world around him encourages the same in his readers, prodding a gentle, grateful appreciation of the beauty and simplicity of everyday life. This book was made possible by a generous grant from the Literary Translation Institute of Korea. Reference : Autumn Hill Books. "The Growth of a Shadow", accessed 26 Oct 2023.

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