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Wann Kommt Mama? scrap

Waiting for Mom

  • Author(s)

    Yi Tae Jun이태준

  • Translator(s)

    Andreas SchirmerAndreas Schirmer

  • Publisher


  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

With no sense of time, a child is waiting at the tram stop, and wants to know when his mother will arrive. Trams come and go. It begins to snow. With a red nose, the child stands his ground against the wind – and finally his mother comes. The contemporary illustrator has combined an Asian pictorial tradition with his own handwritten text to present a story originally written in the 1930s in clear, poetically charged images.


Reference: baobabbooks. "Wann Kommt Mama?", accessed 5 December 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

With no sense of time, a child is waiting at the tram stop, and wants to know when his mother will arrive. Trams come and go. It begins to snow. With a red nose, the child stands his ground against the wind – and finally his mother comes. The contemporary illustrator has combined an Asian pictorial tradition with his own handwritten text to present a story originally written in the 1930s in clear, poetically charged images.

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