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这些年, 我们忽略的事 scrap

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    广西科学技术出版社Guangxi Science Technology Publishing House

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Description 작품 소개

the 30-year-old rite must-read! These years chasing what is missing between the gain and loss. we ignore those things that are most important in the age of 20. to grow up quickly. earn my own money to do things like live free. This is a happy. 30 years of age. however. want to turn back the time to return to the young. Life. unlike what we expect - freedom. joy and happiness. The pressure of breath. anxiety. restlessness. helplessness. is unprecedented. We are powerless in the corner of the city. linger. and that if they work hard. and then a bit of effort. you can catch up with the pace of happiness. The reality is that we are to survive the pressure of slavery. ignoring the beauty of life and emotion. reference: 广西科学技术出版社."这些年, 我们忽略的事", 27 October 2023

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