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[SOUTH KOREA]LTI Korea Translation Education Symposium: The Future of Literary and Cultural Content Translation and Translation Education in the Era of K-Culture scrap download

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The symposium will be conducted in Korean.

The Future of Literary and Cultural Content Translation and Translation Education in the Era of K-Culture

  • Organization

    LTI Korea

  • Country


  • Language


  • Period

    2023-08-18 ~ 2023-08-18

  • Place

    Ewha Womans University International Education Building B1 LG Convention Hall

  • Online

    Live Streaming

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About Event

The coevolution of humans and AI has become an inevitable trend. And it is raising both excitement and concern. LTI Korea examine collaboration opportunities between literary translation and translation education and AI and engage in the debate over social implications including the acceptable level of AI intervention and ethical considerations. LIT Korea plans to hold a follow-up symposium that will address broader topics. By doing so, we will improve the translation quality of Korean literature and content on Korean culture and arts and enhance policies on translation education.
LTI Korea is organizing the " The Future of Literary and Cultural Content Translation and Translation Education in the Era of K-Culture” Symposium, which follows the previous "AI Translation and the Future of Literary Translation" symposium. This time, we focus on discussions with various experts on how translation and translation education for Korean literature and art and cultural content should prepare for a harmonious future with AI translation in the new cultural environment of "K-Culture."The symposium will be divided into two sections: "AI Translation and Translation Education in the Era of K-Culture" and "Prospective Approach to Building a Literature and Cultural Content Translation Education System."In the "AI Translation and Translation Education in the Era of K-Culture" section, Professor Yoon Sungwoo will present on "Evolution of AI Technology, Translation Ethics, and Translators," and Professor Shim Jaehwan will discuss "AI Translation and Translation Education in the Era of K-Culture."In the "Prospective Approach to Building a Literature and Cultural Content Translation Education System" section, Professor Choi Aeyeong will present on "Performance and Challenges in the Operation of Translation Academy Education", and Professor Jeon Hyejin will discuss "Performance and Challenges in the Operation of Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation." Additionally, Professor Choi Mee-Kyung will present her research outcomes on "Building an Integrated Translation Education Curriculum for Korean Literature and Korean Cultural and Art Contents."The symposium will be accessible through the online registration.

Calendar of Event

  • 08.18. Fri.


    Opening Session


    Keynote Speech:

    presented by Yoon Hyejoon, Yonsei University, Department of English Literature


    Evolution of AI Technology, Translation Ethics, and Translators

    presented by Yoon Sungwoo, professor of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Department of Philosophy


    AI Translation and Translation Education in the Era of K-Culture

    presented by Shim Jaehwan, professor of LTI Korea Translation Academy, Spanish-speaking regions


    Performance and Challenges in the Operation of Translation Academy Education

    presented by Professor Choi Aeyeong, Korea Literature Translation Institute Translation Academy, French-speaking regions


    Performance and Challenges in the Operation of Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation

    presented by Professor Jeon Hyejin, Chung-Ang University, Graduate School of International Studies, Department of Professional Translation and Interpretation

한국문학번역원에서는 지난번 ‘AI번역 현황과 문학 번역의 미래’ 심포지엄에 이어 ‘K-컬처’라는 새로운 문화환경을 마주한 한국문학·예술문화콘텐츠 번역과 번역교육이 AI번역과 조화로운 미래를 열어가기 위해 무엇을 준비해야 하는지에 대해 여러 전문가 분들을 모시고 이야기하고자 합니다.‘K-컬처 시대의 문학·문화콘텐츠 번역과 번역교육의 미래’라는 대주제를 바탕으로 이번 심포지엄은 크게 ‘K-컬처 시대의 AI번역과 번역교육’, ‘미래지향적 문학·문화콘텐츠 번역교육체계 구축 방안’ 섹션으로 나뉘어 진행됩니다. ‘K-컬처 시대의 AI번역과 번역교육’ 섹션에서는 윤성우 한국외대 철학과 교수가 ‘AI기술의 진화와 번역윤리 그리고 번역가’라는 주제로, 심재환 한국문학번역원 번역아카데미 스페인어권 교수가 ‘AI번역과 K-컬처 시대의 번역교육’이라는 주제로 발제합니다.‘미래지향적 문학·문화콘텐츠 번역교육체계 구축방안’ 섹션에서는 최애영 한국문학번역원 번역아카데미 프랑스어권 교수가 ‘번역아카데미 교육과정 운영 성과와 과제’라는 주제로, 전혜진 중앙대 국제대학원 전문통번역학과 교수가 ‘통번역대학원 교육과정 운영 성과와 과제’라는 주제로 발제합니다. 그리고 최미경 이화여대 통역번역대학원 한불전공 교수가 ‘한국문학·한국어문화예술콘텐츠 통합번역교육과정 구축 연구 성과’를 발제할 예정입니다.‘K-컬처 시대의 문학·문화콘텐츠 번역과 번역교육의 미래’ 심포지엄은 온라인 참석을 신청 할 수 있습니다.

Calendar of Event

  • 08.18. Fri.




    기조강연: K-컬처 시대의 문학·문화콘텐츠 번역과 번역교육의 미래

    윤혜준 연세대 영어영문학과 교수 발제


    AI기술의 진화와 번역윤리 그리고 번역가

    윤성우 한국외대 철학과 교수 발제


    AI번역과 K-컬처 시대의 번역교육

    심재환 한국문학번역원 번역아카데미 스페인어권 교수 발제


    번역아카데미 교육과정 운영 성과와 과제

    최애영 한국문학번역원 번역아카데미 프랑스어권 교수 발제


    통번역대학원 교육과정 운영 성과와 과제

    전혜진 중앙대 국제대학원 전문통번역학과 교수 발제

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