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쉥크카리 scrap download

Kari Schenk

  • Language Combinations

    Korean → English

  • Native Language


  • Areas of specialization

    Literatures , Humanities , Social Sciences , Arts

Translator Bio 번역가 소개Message

Kari Schenk was the co-winner of the 2006 Korea Times Modern Literature Translation Awards Commendation Prize in Fiction. She has regularly contributed translations to Korea Literature Now magazine since being nominated to the LTI Korea Translation Atelier in 2011. Her reviews have appeared in Wasafiri, and her translations have been featured in Asia Publishers’ Modern Korean Literature series. Recently, she has participated in a project to translate the memoirs of Jeju Massacre survivors as part of a project sponsored by Hankyoreh magazine.

Areas of Interest 관심 분야

Categories Literary Fiction , Genre Fiction , Criticism , Webtoon , Non Fiction

Authors Lee Oisoo, Eun Heekyung, Jang Eun-Jin, Lee Jangwook, Park Seolyeon

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