Translator Bio 번역가 소개Message
Ural Federal University, Mass media (Periodical press), Undergraduate Degree, 2010-2014 yy. Ural Federal University, Oriental studies, Graduate Degree, 2019-2021 yy. (Research Interests: Korean Modern Fiction) Sogang University, International Institute of Korean Language Education, Korean Language Program, 2013 year, 2014-2015 yy. Korean teacher at language centers in Yekaterinburg, 2016-2018 yy. Korean language and culture teacher at "My Korea" First Korean Cultural Center in Yekaterinburg, 2018-2023 yy. Ural Federal University, Lecturer at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Course title: “Korean Literature”, since 2022 year Ural Federal University, Lecturer and teacher at the Faculty of Linguistics, Course title: “Korean Language”, since 2022 year TOPIK (48th): 5 level (2016 year) TOPIK (81th): 6 level (2022 year
Areas of Interest 관심 분야
Categories Literary Fiction , Genre Fiction , Poetry , Essay , Webtoon
Authors Kim Ae-ran, Na, Hui-deok, Jeong Yi Hyun, Ra Taejoo, Kim Choyeop