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왕안 scrap download

Vuong Thuy Quynh Anh

  • Language Combinations

    Korean → Vietnamese , Korean → English

  • Native Language


  • Areas of specialization

    Social Sciences , Sciences , Medicine

  • Social Media

    페이스북 인스타그램

Translator Bio 번역가 소개Message

Studied Psychology at University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Hanoi) and graduated in 2018. Began studying Korean in 2014 and started working as a freelance translator for ThaiHaBooks JSC and Nha Nam Publishing and Communications JSC in 2018. Started working as Korean editor for Nha Nam Publishing and Communications JSC from 2019 to the present. Received the LTI Grant for the translation of 홀 The Hole (Hố đen sâu thẳm) by Pyun Hye Young in 2021. Have many years of experience working in the field of Korean translation, as a translator with numerous published titles (primarily literary and psychology-related books) such as: 홀 The Hole (Hố đen sâu thẳm) by Pyun Hye Young, 환상통 (Ảo ảnh thần tượng) by Lee Heejoo, 여자의 모든 인생은 20대에 결정된다 (Tuổi 20 quyết định hạnh phúc cả đời người phụ nữ) by Insook Nam,... and at the same time, as an editor in charge of the publication process of many internationally famous Korean works, for example: 흰 (Trắng) by Han Kang, 아프니까청춘이다 (Có thanh xuân nào không đau đớn, có tuổi trẻ nào không bão giông) by Rando Kim, 그녀 이름은 (Tên cô ấy là) by Cho Nam Joo, 보통의 존재 (Làm phàm nhân sống giữa đời bình thường) by Lee Souk Won, 무례한 사람에게 웃으며 대처하는 법 (Mỉm cười duyên dáng đáp lại người vô duyên) by Jeong Moon Jeong, 청소년 감정코칭 (Huấn luyện cảm xúc - Để con trẻ phát triển toàn diện) by Christina Sungaie Choi and Peck Cho,… I have been deeply interested in Hallyu culture, especially in K-pop girl groups, and then developed a passion for the musical quality of the languages (Korean and Vietnamese), expressed through the translations of lyrics and poems. Such love has led to further researching and studying of Korean culture in general and Korean books in particular, which proves to be remarkably helpful for my job. Recently some new development in my career has sparked my curiosity about Korean classical culture, especially the role and position of women in ancient society through literary works such as 덴동어미화전가 (The Song of Dendong Eomi),…

Areas of Interest 관심 분야

Categories Literary Fiction , Genre Fiction , Essay , Non Fiction

Authors Park Sung-Kyung, Sohn Won-pyung

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