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Kim Hyeyeong

Kim Hyeyeong scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Hyeyeong is a South Korean children’s writer. Her children’s book Woori jipe wegyein sanda (우리 집에 외계인이 산다 An Alien Lives In Our House) won the Excellence Prize in the 3rd Sallim Children’s Literary Award in 2013. Her stories explore conflict and new emotions experienced by friends and family. •Children’s book Woori jipe wegyein sanda (우리 집에 외계인이 산다 An Alien Lives In Our House) (2013) •Children’s book Jeongeuieui akpeulleo (정의의 악플러 Internet Troll for Justice) (2018)

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