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JU  Won-kyu

JU Won-kyu scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Ju Won-kyu (1975-) is a South Korean novelist. He made his literary debut in 2009 when his novel Yeoroeinjong janhoksa (열외인종 잔혹사 The Bloodbath of the Sidelined Race) won the 14th Hankyoreh Literature Award. He has published works that illumine the hidden aspects of the corrupt people by staring squarely at them, focusing on the main theme of people who live in a society made up of money and greed. Novel Yeoroeinjong janhoksa (열외인종 잔혹사 The Bloodbath of the Sidelined Race) (2009) Novel Baninganseoneon (반인간선언 The Declaration of Anti-Humans) (2012)Novel Gwangsinjadeul (광신자들 Fanatics) (2012)


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