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Kim Yoon Young

Kim Yoon Young scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Yoon Young (1971-) is a South Korean novelist who debuted through the first Changbi Prize for New Figures in Literature in 1998 with the short story “Bimirui hwawon” (비밀의 화원 The Secret Garden). Kim uses down-to earth premises to depict realistic scenes out of contemporary life, and paints a sharp but humorous picture of Korean society. •Novel Nae jip maryeonui yeowang (내 집 마련의 여왕 Queen of Home Ownership) (2009) •Novel Dal Wireul geonneun neukkim (달 위를 걷는 느낌 The Feel of Walking on the Moon) (2014)

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