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Baek Hanyi

Baek Hanyi scrap


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    Adult 성인

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    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Baek Hanyi (1937-) is a South Korean poet and novelist who served as a founding director of the World Haengchon Academy of Culture and Art’s World Poets’ Association, and as the international director and vice-president of the World Academy of Culture and Art. Baek’s published works include Gaeuri oneun gilmok (가을이 오는 길목 The Crossroads to the Coming of Autumn), Heosuabiui norae (허수아비의 노래 The Scarecrow’s Song), Yuseongui bam (유성의 밤 Night of Shooting Stars), and Eomeoniui haneul (어머니의 하늘 Mother’s Sky). •Novel Tensansanmaek (텐산산맥 The Tian Shan Mountain Range) (1993) •Poetry collection Chomiui bom (초미의 봄 Urgent Spring) (2006)

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