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Yi Hyeon

Yi Hyeon scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

I Hyeon (1970~) is a South Korean children’s writer. She made her literary debut in 2004 when her work “Gicha eonjena bicheul hyanghae gyeongjeogeul ullida” (기차 언제나 빛을 향해 경적을 울리다 The Train Always Honks the Horn towards the Light) won the Jeon Tae-il Literary Award in the novel category. Since then, she has mainly written books for children, paying attention to children’s reality and dealing with critical themes on the side of the weak. •Children’s book Jjajangmyeon bureoyo (짜장면 불어요 Black Bean Sauce Noodles) (2006)•Children’s book Pureun saja wanini (푸른 사자 와니니 Wanini the Blue Lion) (2015)

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