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Kim Taeung

Kim Taeung scrap


  • Category

    Drama 희곡

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Taeung (1965~) is a South Korean playwright and theater director. In 1997, he wrote and directed Parideurui gogye (파리들의 곡예 Circus of Flies) in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Theater Company Yeonwoo. In 1999, he made his literary debut by publishing his play Dalbichyuhui (달빛유희 Moonlight Amusement) in The Dong-a Ilbo. He won the Dong-A Theater Award for Best Picture, the Theater Association`s Best 5 Productions Award, the Drama Award, the Critics Association`s Best 3 Productions Award, and the Seoul Performing Arts Festival Drama Award. •Collection of plays Yi (이 You)(2003) •Collection of plays Ringningningning (링링링링 Ring Ring Ring Ring) (2010)

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