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Kim Myung-Wha

Kim Myung-Wha scrap


  • Category

    Drama 희곡

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Myung-Wha (1966~) is a South Korean playwright, who debuted 1997 when her play “Saedeureun hoengdanbodoro geonneoji anneunda” (새들은 횡단보도로 건너지 않는다 Birds Don’t Cross at Crosswalks) won the Samsung Literary and Drama Award. In 2002 she won the Dong-A Theater Award for Best Picture and the Daesan Literary Award for Drama. Kim’s 2007 play “Chimhyang” (침향 Aloeswood) won the 1st Cha Beom-Seok Drama Award •Play “Dollal` (돐날 First Birthday) (2001) •Play “Chimhyang” (침향 Aloeswood) (2007)

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