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Choi Seung Gak scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Born in 1955 in Gangeung, Choi Sung Kak is a Korean novelist. He studied literature at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at Chung-Ang University, before winning the 1976 Kang Won Ilbo New Writer’s Contest and the 1986 Dong-A Ilbo New Writer’s Contest. In response to the Sanggye Incineration Plant crisis, Choi joined the environmental movement, and founded the environmental group ‘Grass Flower World.’ He has since created such new concepts as “samboilbae” (three steps and one bow) and “saengmyeongpyeonghwa” (life peace) as a way of expressing repentance and gratitude to non-human beings like birds, stones, and earthworms. He has received the Kyobo Environmental Culture Award and Yosan Literary Award. Choi’s published works include Sleeping Fire, A Taxi Driver, Buyongsan, Run, Streams, Fly, Birds, Birds Being Chased, Desire and Catastrophe, Gentle Breeze, and Trees in the Sky.

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