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Kim  Jay

Kim Jay scrap


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Jay is a South Korean novelist. She made her literary debut in 2006 with the publication of Hunminjeongeum amsalsageon (훈민정음 암살사건 Hunminjeongeum Murder. She has been writing historical mystery novels and detective novels, such as Gyeongseong tamjeong Isang (경성 탐정 이상 Yi Sang, the Gyeongseong Detective) (2012), and she has drawn readers’ attention with new interpretations and imaginations of historical events and figures. She is a winner of the Korean Mystery Novel Grand Prize (2012). Novel Baekjegyeolsadan (백제결사단 Baekje Secret Society) (2007) Novel Gyeongseong tamjeong Isang (경성 탐정 이상 Yi Sang, the Gyeongseong Detective) (2012) Novel Bomnarui bada (봄날의 바다 Sea of Spring) (2016)

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