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One Hundred Shadows

One Hundred Shadows scrap

百의 그림자


  • Author

    Hwang Jung-eun황정은

  • Publisher

    Changbi Publishers창비

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

This is a novel by Hwang Jungeun, which was first printed in the fall issue of Segyeui munhak (Literature of the World) in 2009, and published in the book form in 2010. In the same year, this book won the 43rd Hankook Ilbo Literary Award. It tells the story of good people who are exposed to structural violence and a life of painful reality, centered on the protagonist who works in a downtown shopping mall that is about to be demolished and turned into something new.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Hwang Jungeun (born 1976) is a Korean writer. She is one of the most promising writers in the Korean literary world, acclaimed as 'the writer who represents the 2010s' and 'the young master.' The most prominent feature of her writing is the elements of fantasy, which create a cheerful tone in her narratives but also coat them with the sadness of reality. That is, the fantasy in her works is a fictional device that builds a joyful as well as sorrowful atmosphere at the same time. She made her debut as a writer in 2005 with the publication of her short story "Mother (마더)."

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