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My Wife’s Boxes

My Wife’s Boxes scrap

아내의 상자 외: 1998년도 제22회 이상문학상 수상작품집


  • Author

    Eun Heekyung은희경

  • Publisher

    Munhak Sasang문학사상

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

This collection introduces the short stories nominated for the 22nd Yi Sang Literary Award in 1998, and the title of the collection is the award winner “My Wife’s Boxes” by Eun Heekyung. The story is about a couple’s everyday life, which is filled with bitterness and disappointment, and it unveils the disconnection and isolation in contemporary society to readers. The collection also has eight other stories including “The Unbearable Sadness of Being” by Gong Ji-young, “The Story about a Mirror” by Kim Insuk, “The Peninsula of the Same Language” by Park Sangwoo, and “Illusion and Disillusion” by Jon Kyongnin.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Translations 번역서

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