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爱过之后来临的 scrap

What Comes After Love

  • Author(s)

    Gong Ji-Young공지영

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    二十一世纪出版社21th Century Publishing House

  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Target User

  • Period

Description 작품 소개

On a spring day with cherry petals fluttering in the wind, a girl and a boy encounter by the lake in Tokyo Park, then they fall in love and live together. However, because of the opposition of families and a variety of misunderstanding, the girl moves out from their house and they break up, yet their story is just beginning. This book, with the leading characters of 2 young people respectively from Japan and Korea, describes a love story with the cultural and language differences between the 2 countries and the misunderstandings brought by different thoughts of different genders. It is very novel in structure, taking the male and female perspectives as the alternating narratives. reference: 二十一世纪出版社."爱过之后来临的", 26 October 2023

Author Bio 작가 소개

On a spring day with cherry petals fluttering in the wind, a girl and a boy encounter by the lake in Tokyo Park, then they fall in love and live together. However, because of the opposition of families and a variety of misunderstanding, the girl moves out from their house and they break up, yet their story is just beginning. This book, with the leading characters of 2 young people respectively from Japan and Korea, describes a love story with the cultural and language differences between the 2 countries and the misunderstandings brought by different thoughts of different genders. It is very novel in structure, taking the male and female perspectives as the alternating narratives. reference: 二十一世纪出版社."爱过之后来临的", 26 October 2023

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