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Land of Tears scrap

Land of Tears


  • Author(s)

    Park Sangseek박상식

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    Homa & Sekey BooksHoma & Sekey Books

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

Land of Tears by Park Sangseek is an anthology of short stories about the Korean experience, yet are universal. The collection is about the period of 1950 to 1962, the time after Liberation from the Japanese and the Korean War, except for two stories. This was an era of poverty and mental and physical anguish. In these stories, Park poses the following two central questions: What does it mean to be human? How can one discover the basic nature of a person? The author believes that there are two good ways in which these two questions can be elucidated. One is to place people in an extreme situation and observe how they behave. Park examines his thesis by asking: How do people act when they have seized political power? How do they respond when they have come face to face with death? How does a person behave when he is about to die of starvation? What consequences do wars and revolutions bring about? The author endeavors to better understand those fundamental questions of human existence by way of the human actions in the most extreme circumstances, in each of the stories. Reference : Homa & Sekey Books. "Land of Tears", accessed 19 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Land of Tears by Park Sangseek is an anthology of short stories about the Korean experience, yet are universal. The collection is about the period of 1950 to 1962, the time after Liberation from the Japanese and the Korean War, except for two stories. This was an era of poverty and mental and physical anguish. In these stories, Park poses the following two central questions: What does it mean to be human? How can one discover the basic nature of a person? The author believes that there are two good ways in which these two questions can be elucidated. One is to place people in an extreme situation and observe how they behave. Park examines his thesis by asking: How do people act when they have seized political power? How do they respond when they have come face to face with death? How does a person behave when he is about to die of starvation? What consequences do wars and revolutions bring about? The author endeavors to better understand those fundamental questions of human existence by way of the human actions in the most extreme circumstances, in each of the stories. Reference : Homa & Sekey Books. "Land of Tears", accessed 19 Oct 2023.

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