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I'll Go On scrap

I'll Go On

  • Author(s)

    Hwang Jung-eun황정은

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    Tilted Axis PressTilted Axis Press

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


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Description 작품 소개

From one of South Korea's most acclaimed young authors comes the story of two sisters, Sora and Nana, whose childhood was marked by their father's death in a factory accident and their mother Aeja's retreat into suicidal catatonia. Now adults, Sora finds herself dreaming of the past when she discovers that Nana is pregnant. Her initial reaction is shock - though they live together, she never even realised her younger sister had a lover - and Nana's icy response to her attempt at being considerate (`You hate this, so don't pretend like I'm some poor pregnant woman you have to pity') drives a wedge between the two. Can Naghi - the boy who shared their childhood, and the simple, nourishing meals cooked by his mother - help the sisters break free of Aeja's worldview in which life is ultimately futile and love is always doomed? A delicate stylist with an unflinching social gaze, in I'll Go On Hwang Jungeun has crafted a poignant novel with an uncanny ear for the unspoken secrets and heartaches buried beneath daily life and family ritual. Above all, it is a stunning exploration of the intensity of early bonds - and the traces they leave on us as we grow up. Reference : Tilted Axis Press. "I'll Go On", accessed 18 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

From one of South Korea's most acclaimed young authors comes the story of two sisters, Sora and Nana, whose childhood was marked by their father's death in a factory accident and their mother Aeja's retreat into suicidal catatonia. Now adults, Sora finds herself dreaming of the past when she discovers that Nana is pregnant. Her initial reaction is shock - though they live together, she never even realised her younger sister had a lover - and Nana's icy response to her attempt at being considerate (`You hate this, so don't pretend like I'm some poor pregnant woman you have to pity') drives a wedge between the two. Can Naghi - the boy who shared their childhood, and the simple, nourishing meals cooked by his mother - help the sisters break free of Aeja's worldview in which life is ultimately futile and love is always doomed? A delicate stylist with an unflinching social gaze, in I'll Go On Hwang Jungeun has crafted a poignant novel with an uncanny ear for the unspoken secrets and heartaches buried beneath daily life and family ritual. Above all, it is a stunning exploration of the intensity of early bonds - and the traces they leave on us as we grow up. Reference : Tilted Axis Press. "I'll Go On", accessed 18 Oct 2023.

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