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Happiness Battle

Happiness Battle scrap


#Thriller #Murder #Socialmedia #Luxury #Soccermom

  • Author

    Joo Young-ha주영하

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Dead Body displayed on the terrace of gangnam’s best apartment

The incident happens in the most expensive house in the area, 102-702, High Prestige Apartment, located in Gangnam—the richest neighborhood in Korea. Husband Gang Do-jun is found barely breathing with a knife stuck on his back, and his wife Oh Yu-jin is found dead with her stomach hanging over the terrace banister. Jang Mi-ho learns about her death, a friend from the past she’d never seen for 17 years. They were best friends in high school but grew distant after their math teacher committed suicide. Mi-ho feels guilty about the past and starts investigating Yu-jin’sdeath.

“Happiness Battle” on social media among soccer moms

Jang Mi-ho finds out that Yu-jin was engaged in a “happiness battle” on social media with her fellow moms who send their kids to English kindergartens. She is suspicious of Song Jeong-ah and Kim Na-young, who have been her mortal enemies. Oh Yu-jin cleverly mocked Na-young when she found out that Na-young’s husband and the kindergarten teacher were having an affair. Yu-jin also blacklisted Jeong-ah on the Internet community for wealthy moms when the business of Jeong-ah’s husband was going through a difficult time. But both claim that Yu-jin was obsessed withthe kidnapping case at the English kindergarten that happened 2 years before her death, and they had merely put a “drop of suspicion” in the glass of water.

Turn of events, she stabbed her husband and killed herself?

The police officially announces that Yu-jin stabbed her husband before killing herself. But Mi-ho is still suspicious and discovers a flash drive on her laptop while watching her previous live streaming video clips. Mi-ho breaks into Yu-jin’s house and finds out that her husband is also looking for the flash drive. What in the earth is hidden in that drive? Jang Mi-ho learns there are unexpected secrets as she uncovers the truth and confronts Yujin’s husband Do-jun.


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Author Bio 작가 소개

Joo Young-ha is a South Korean novelist who debuted in 2019 by winning a web novel contest hosted by Dasan Books with the novel Siganui gyedan (시간의 계단 Stairs of Time). Joo’s works include Siganui gyedan, Haengbokbaeteul (행복배틀 Happiness Battle), and Konggaru susadan (콩가루 수사단 The Messed-up Investigation Team).

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