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이지성의 1만 킬로미터: 그들은 왜 목숨을 건 여정을 떠나는가?


  • Author

    E Jisung이지성

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Essay 수필

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Bestselling author E Jisung has been focusing on one thing for five years. Saving the lives of North Korean defectors. North Korean defectors flee North Korea and travel through China, Laos, and Thailand to reach South Korea, a long and arduous journey of nearly 10,000 kilometers. The escape is often a death-defying endeavor, and many are thwarted by Chinese public security and North Korean security forces. However, there are heroes who try to save even one more life. One of them is Pastor Superman, who has been called the "Schindler of North Korea”. He was arrested by Chinese police eight times and jailed three times during his rescue efforts. With the help of global human rights organizations and the United Nations, he has rescued more than 4,000 North Koreans in 30 years. E Jisung has been Rev. Superman's "steadfast supporter" for the past five years. He has been instrumental in paying for the rescues and maintenance of North Korean roads, as well as raising awareness of the reality of North Korean defectors in South Korea and garnering donations. He traveled with Rev. Superman to Dandong, China, Laos, and Thailand to personally help rescue defectors. Arrests on sight, snake-infested jungles, surveillance from North Korea, and the hyper-vigilance that comes with not being able to trust anyone left him in a state of meltdown. "How in the world did I get involved in this?" He found himself in a strange place, going from being a well-known author to rescuing people whose freedom and human rights were being suppressed. This book, 10,000 Kilometers, is the answer to that question. This book, which contains the hidden truths and the march to freedom of 33,000 North Koreans that no one knows, is so vivid that it can be read in a single sitting. It tells the story of the North Korean defectors' harrowing 10,000 kilometer journey, their terrifying hunt by the Chinese public security and the North Korean security forces, and the brokers who help or harass them for money. Plus, the book records the uncomfortable truth about the human rights and missionary organizations in South Korea that help the North Korean defectors, as some of them pursue their own interests. Lee Ji-sung's keen insight has helped him to capture facts that have been thoroughly verified and only records the truth, unlike some stories of North Korean defection which exaggerate. A North Korean woman with one ankle amputated was carried over a mountain on a stretcher, a twenty-year-old man who managed to escape returned to North Korea to die, and a mother crossed a three-meter fence with her baby on her back with her bare hands. The stories of North Korean defectors make us face how weak we are and how difficult it is to protect our dignity. E Jisung says. "What they showed is not escape. It is the courage to be free." In the words of Doh Hee-yoon, who read the book first, "I hope that the good influence of this book will spread like waves around the world and turn the cold war into a warm story of life," which is about to begin again. “This is what the Harvard students are reading right now.” - Casey Lartigue Jr., Harvard Graduate School of Education Goodwill Ambassador In the meantime, Rev. Superman and author E Jisung's project to rescue North Korean defectors has attracted attention overseas. Harvard University Goodwill Ambassador Casey Lartigue Jr. knew about the publication of "10,000 Kilometers" in advance and translated it into English for academic purpose as soon as it was released, and it is now being read by Harvard professors and university students. He has also been invited to speak at the Harvard Crimson's 150th anniversary celebration in April 2023, followed by a series of lectures based on the book at Israel's prestigious universities, Hebrew University, Haifa University, and Tel Aviv University, in May 2023. Also the author is invited to the lectures in Yale University and Oxford university this fall. Reference: Support from Eric Yang Agency

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