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Aurora scrap


  • Author

    Choi Jin Young최진영

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

This is one of Wisdom House's short story serialization projects. The book is organized as a single short story rather than a collection of short stories.

"Is it possible to love without faith. What does faith look like without love?" 

In "Aurora," Choi Jin-young builds a platform for her long-standing thoughts on faith and love against the backdrop of Jeju Island, where she knows no one and is free.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Choi Jin-Young has been publishing fiction since 2006. She debuted as a writer through Silcheon Munhak, and won the 15th Hankyoreh Literary Award in 2010 for her novel The Name of the Girl Who Passed You By. Choi has received numerous other literary awards including the Manhae Literary Award, the Baek Sin-ae Literary Award, and the Sin Dong-yup Prize for Literature. She is the author of the novels The Name of the Girl Who Passed You By, Unfinished Song, Why Didn’t I Die?, Proof of Gu, To the Warm Horizon, Dear Sister, and Dream of Becoming Myself; and the short story collections The Top, and Winter Vacation.

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