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No One Shall Know

No One Shall Know scrap

아무도 모를 것이다

  • Author

    Bora Chung정보라

  • Publisher

    Galmae Namu갈매나무

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Bora Chung's eerie and bizarre stories are attracting the readers all over the world. From the teenager kids to adult readers, from the literary publishers to the Hollywood productions, the cursed stories are luring the wide range of story lovers. And here's her new collection they might have been waiting for - NESSUN SAPRÀ contains Bora Chung's early works which were written at the similar period with CURSED BUNNY. The stories are even darker, if you liked "Scar" and "Snare", you would love this title.

It consists of nine stories that Chung released on the online platforms Mirror and BritG between 2010-2013. Among the selected works, “Mask,” translated into English by Anton Hur, was included in “Valancourt Book of World Horror Vol. 2” in 2022. Regarding the selection, the author said, “The first thing I felt after re-reading my stories was that I was really stuck in stereotypes -- of gender and of normality,” in the author’s note.“Maybe that’s why I wrote so many stories where characters are stuck somewhere and trying to get out.” The first story “Tree” revolves around a narrator who cannot leave his village because he doesn't want to leave behind his friend, who became a tree after being planted in the ground. Characters in “Hair” are confined in a room after a rain of seeds grows into hair. In “Mask,” a protagonist who is addicted to the pleasure of illusion confines herself in a room. Characters in “Nessun Sapra” are also admitted to a psychiatric hospital.


Support from Galmae Namu

Author Bio 작가 소개

Bora Chung translates modern literary works from Russian and Polish into Korean and writes generally unrealistic stories. Among her works, Cursed Bunny, a collection of short stories, was shortlisted for the International Booker Prize in 2022 and was a finalist for National Book Awards in 2023. She is currently an active member of the Science Fiction Writers Union of Korea.

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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