- Author
Hyundae Munhak현대문학
Year Published
Literary Fiction 순수소설
Target User
Adult 성인
Contemporary 현대
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"Hyundae Munhak Pin" is a special series published by the literary magazine Hyundae Munhak that compiles the latest poetry and fiction by modern Korean literature's most incisive and cutting-edge writers. The second short story collection in this series is Park Hyoung su's Your Old Age. A revised version of the original printed in the December 2017 edition of the magazine, Your Old Age is the famously exacting Park Hyoung su's first new work in four years. In an age where the perspective and focus of contemporary literature follows in line with societal change, Park's latest work is based on the reality of our inauguration as a "super-aged society" fourteen years from now. This three-hundred-page novella constructs its reality by imposing order upon the confusion and turmoil of a "longevity society" where death is indefinitely deferred, an upheaval witnessed alongside the emergence of the new paradigm of ageism as conflict deepens between the young and old generations, completing said reality with irony and cold indifference toward the struggles and failures of its characters. Unfolding against a backdrop of a frightening age where three young adults support seven senior citizens, an age which may in fact soon be upon us, this novella is all the more significant for being the first Korean literary work to address ageism head on, depicted with all the wit of Park's characteristic hyperbolic humor.
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